Saturday, July 19, 2008

We are having a baby!

Yes, it is true as most of you know already...we are expecting a little baby in December. Our projected due date is the 23rd! Conor and I are both so excited and as you can imagine so is the rest of our family. This will be the first grandchild for my parents and the second for Conor's.
I will be 18 weeks along on Monday and I have an appointment on Monday 7/21 to hopefully find out what we are having. (Elizabeth has already called girl!)
I had a pretty good 1st trimester with one round of the stomach flu (at 8 weeks). That was not fun. Thankfully, Amber called me that very day with the annoucement of the arrival of her sweet baby, Nolan.
I had a hard time eating eggs, chicken or really anything at dinner time. Poor Conor would make a wonderful dinner and all I wanted was an eggo waffle with butter. Nothing was appealing to me at all!
Now I am experiencing the feeling of being off balance which Conor finds absolutely hilarious. Real funny I tell you! I just have to get up a little slower and then I am fine-I just need to find my center again.
Conor talks to the baby all of the time. He puts his face right up to my tummy and says, "Hi baby, it is daddy..." He is so ready to be a dad and he will certainly be one of the best. I sing to the baby no matter where I commute is a minimum of an hour each way so I have lots of singing time in the car. The people around me must think I am a little off!
I do have some ultrasound pictures which I will post but I need Conor to show me how to hook up the darn camera to the computer. I promise to post pictures of myself, too as I there is no mistaking my growing tummy.
Love to you all!


Katherine said...

Can't wait to see that belly!!!

amrolih said...

Yeah Amy! I can't wait to see ultrasound pics and your baby belly!

Erin LaRayne Agosto said...

Yeah! Congrats! I can't wait to see the belly! Liz may be right...I could not eat chicken either when I was preggo with Daylen. Go Liz!

Carrie said...

Congratulations, Amy! I am really happy for you and Conor. I vote girl, too!

Beth said...

I had heard rumors that there was a little Chaput on the way! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to meet him or her (although, I am agreeing with Liz and guessing 'girl' too)! I hope all is well!!